Another terrain piece I made a little while back, using the other half from a Forge World kit.
I stepped the front again and added in a chimney at the front from my own resin designs.
Some balsa and small piece of plasticard gave me some space to put the chimney,

I then put another piece of plasticard behind the chimney and added another piece of balsa as a timber upright. Onto that I put the window section remaining from the previous build.

Card shingles were then added to simulate timber shingles, which pretty much completed the front.

A piece of foam was used for the hill, along with some rear windows from my own resin designs. A piece of plasticard was used to simulate the stone floor, sand was added before moving on to the painting.

The resin barrels are from my own designs, and some small bricks were added as scatter. The white vase is from a dolls house furniture kit. The 28mm Hobbit is from Midlam miniatures https://www.midlamminiatures.co.uk/
I hope you like the pictures...

Until next time...